Welcome to ConFABulous, an LGBTQ+ gaming relaxacon in Bloomington, MN. ConFABulous is sponsored by Gaylaxicon Minnesota, a 501(c)(3) non-profit created by the North Country Gaylaxians in 2014.
Gaylaxicon Minnesota started ConFABulous in 2017 as an LGBTQ+ friendly gaming convention in the years we do not host a Gaylaxicon. Gaylaxicon is an annual national LGBTQ+ speculative fiction convention that travels around the country sponsored by various local groups. While it has a heavy gaming influence, Gaylaxicon is a more traditional fan-run science fiction convention with guest of honor, several tracks of programming, and more. Thus far, we have sponsored four Gaylaxicons – 2009, 2012, 2016, and 2019.
ConFABulous is a smaller, but exuberant, fan-run convention with a more relaxed feel (hence the “relaxacon” in our description) but we still have tons of fun! You’ll have access to numerous games (board, console, RPGs, and more); chances to hear from and play games with professionals in the gaming and science fiction arenas; a track of panels on speculative fiction, gaming, and media; and a fabulous con suite for snacks throughout the day, all in one easy-to-reach location.
Beyond that, attending ConFABulous helps support your local LGBTQ+ groups and keep safe spaces like this available. Whether you’re nonbinary, transgender, gay, an ally, or beyond, this convention is a safe place to interact with a community of people around common interests: gaming and science fiction.
We hope you’ll be able to kick up your heels and roll the dice with us at ConFABulous this year!
Gaylaxicon Minnesota also sponsors the North Country Gaylaxians Book Club, which started as a way for local LGBTQ+ fans of speculative fiction (science fiction/fantasy/horror) to meet and discuss books and movies. The book club holds monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at the Quatrefoil Library.
For more information, please check out the club’s calendar and homepage.