

For the second year in a row, we will be including a vendor area at ConFABulous. If you are interested in vending at this year’s convention, please email

2024 Vendors

A list of vendors that will be appearing at ConFABulous can be found below.

Dice and Spices

Handmade dice bags, spice blends with TTRPG themes, and other D&D/TTRPG-related products.

Diecaster Games

Diecaster Games creates inclusive, diverse, and engaging content that reflect the expansive communities we all live in fostering an open and welcoming community where ALL players feel they belong!

Funk 'n Fantasy

Geeky socks, gemstone jewelry, fun (and some snarky) magnets, 3D bookmarks, and some books and Tarot, plus some sci-fi miscellany.

Grey Duck Dice

Grey Duck Dice specialize in glitter dice, mylar inclusions, and custom orders (and the occasional dog hair, too). We're always pushing our creative limits and we hope to help your characters stand out with enchanting dice rolls.

Mag Publishing

Books and will be asking for feedback on an FRPG based in the MAG universe where all the MAG Publishing stories and novels take place.

My Favorite Boutique

Jewelry, collectibles, books, and more! Appearing at selected cons and festivals. Much new merchandise after the pandemic. Come and check it out!

PopHeart Studios

Purveyors of fine anime/pop culture/geek merchandise.

The Source
Source Comics & Games has been selling comics and game product locally for the last 25 years or so. We carry a full line of Rpg's, board and card games, comics, and Trade paperbacks.
Tower Games

Tower Games offers a curated selection of the best board games, collectible card games, and miniatures games in South Minneapolis.